Why Choose SDT As Your Ultrasound Technology Partner?

So You Can Hear More

There’s no such thing as 100% uptime. Assets fail. The goal is to predict those failures, plan for them and minimize their impact.

With SDT Ultrasound Solutions, you have a partner to help you monitor the health of your facility, put an end to reactive firefighting and build a proactive approach.

So, why choose SDT? For 47 years we’ve provided companies just like yours with the experience, planning and leadership they need to achieve world-class results.

Beyond The Single Decibel

4IS monitoring indicatorsCondition indicators (4CI) characterize the health and performance of a machine and provide more insight as to what has changed.

Before 4CI, ultrasound inspectors trended ultrasound data based on a single, static measurement taken at an arbitrary point in time. Capture the measurement at the wrong time and the defect was either missed or amplified beyond reality. 4CI allows inspectors to set the acquisition time prior to capturing the measurement. The result is a more representative and accurate collection of data.

Building Blocks Concept

upgradeable platform for your ultrasound deviceSDT’s Building Blocks concept combines options for hardware flexibility, software for data management, and sensors that promote ergonomics and ease of use. The SDT platform offers customization with the opportunity to upgrade as your program grows. Choose from several base formats, and then add sensors and software to build a collector unique to your needs. Out-of-date technology becomes a problem of the past.

Sound Support

formation et assistance pour optimiser votre appareil ultrasonorePurchasing your device isn’t the end of your relationship with SDT. We provide the training and support you need to maximize the potential of your ultrasound program.

We are not just a provider, but rather your partner in creating a culture of condition-based monitoring centered on ultrasound technology. You’re dedicated to your facility, and we’re dedicated to helping you maintain it with proper training and support.