Highlights – Success Stories
Predictive maintenance can significantly increase the service life of steam generating facilities
These predictive operations limit repair costs and reduce the risk of production downtime. In a conventional steam production plant, 5 to 15% of the steam traps fail every year. [...]
Example of predictive maintenance
Save at least €2 500 per year per LEAKING steam trap! A failed trap generates a huge waste of energy and steam. It can also cause severe damage to [...]
Using Ultrasound for Electric Power Reliability
Unreliable electric systems not only cost millions of euros in downtime and repairs, but they also have the potential to maim and kill. Reliability leaders must remain focused on [...]
Why do we test for Partial Discharge?
In a word: Reliability. Actually, two words, reliability and safety, but reliability leaders know that the two go hand in hand. In fact, reliable facilities are safe facilities. Electrical [...]
The Dynamic Duo – ultrasound inspection and infrared imaging
Gerdau, based in Brazil, is one of the world's largest steel producers and trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol GNA. Gerdau Ameristeel is the American [...]
Ultrasound Prevents Transformer Outages
Steel processing requires a lot of energy and powerful electrical systems. However, a single electrical component failure can bring steel production to a halt, resulting in significant time and [...]
8 best practices for performing a compressed air leak survey
The following is a dialogue that Paul Klimuc with SDT Ultrasound Solutions had with his students during the fourth Live Online Level One Ultrasound Certification Course. QUESTION: SHOULD COMPRESSED [...]
Stories from the Melt Shop
John Garrison, Level One Ultrasound Inspector Former Live Online Level One Student John Garrison Testimonial & Case Study As a mechanic in charge of a portion of [...]
Monitoring Ontario’s Wind Farms with Vigilant
Wind farmers power Ontario with clean, renewable energy and if they are forewarned of critical component failure, then they can expect many years of useful, trouble-free life from their [...]
Best Practices for Performing a Compressed Air Leak Survey with Paul Klimuc
Paul Klimuc is an Ultrasound expert with SDT Ultrasound Solutions. He has experience dealing with a wide variety of industries, including (but not limited to) Aircraft, Auto, Food, Steel, [...]
Bearing Grease Management using Ultrasound
Inspection Technique Greasing of bearings using ultrasound, often described as best practice, helps us understand how much grease needs to be applied. Ultrasound is a good measure [...]
What led to this condition?
Everything is fine? That shouldn't make us invisible 18 pumps under the responsibility of a Condition Monitoring team, demonstrating an almost identical behavior, with identical symptoms… and surely [...]
Example of predictive maintenance
Save at least €2 500 per year per LEAKING steam trap! A failed trap generates a huge waste of energy and steam. It can also cause severe damage to [...]
Using Ultrasound for Electric Power Reliability
Unreliable electric systems not only cost millions of euros in downtime and repairs, but they also have the potential to maim and kill. Reliability leaders must remain focused on [...]
Why do we test for Partial Discharge?
In a word: Reliability. Actually, two words, reliability and safety, but reliability leaders know that the two go hand in hand. In fact, reliable facilities are safe facilities. Electrical [...]
The Dynamic Duo – ultrasound inspection and infrared imaging
Gerdau, based in Brazil, is one of the world's largest steel producers and trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol GNA. Gerdau Ameristeel is the American [...]
Ultrasound Prevents Transformer Outages
Steel processing requires a lot of energy and powerful electrical systems. However, a single electrical component failure can bring steel production to a halt, resulting in significant time and [...]
8 best practices for performing a compressed air leak survey
The following is a dialogue that Paul Klimuc with SDT Ultrasound Solutions had with his students during the fourth Live Online Level One Ultrasound Certification Course. QUESTION: SHOULD COMPRESSED [...]
Stories from the Melt Shop
John Garrison, Level One Ultrasound Inspector Former Live Online Level One Student John Garrison Testimonial & Case Study As a mechanic in charge of a portion of [...]
Monitoring Ontario’s Wind Farms with Vigilant
Wind farmers power Ontario with clean, renewable energy and if they are forewarned of critical component failure, then they can expect many years of useful, trouble-free life from their [...]
Best Practices for Performing a Compressed Air Leak Survey with Paul Klimuc
Paul Klimuc is an Ultrasound expert with SDT Ultrasound Solutions. He has experience dealing with a wide variety of industries, including (but not limited to) Aircraft, Auto, Food, Steel, [...]
Bearing Grease Management using Ultrasound
Inspection Technique Greasing of bearings using ultrasound, often described as best practice, helps us understand how much grease needs to be applied. Ultrasound is a good measure [...]
What led to this condition?
Everything is fine? That shouldn't make us invisible 18 pumps under the responsibility of a Condition Monitoring team, demonstrating an almost identical behavior, with identical symptoms… and surely [...]
Precision Lubrication with LUBExpert
Implementation of an ultrasonic lubrication program in a paper mill to acoustically grease bearings right. The LUBExpert system has allowed the maintenance team to shift away from unreliable calendar-based [...]