


Lubrication Contamination

Particle contamination in bearing grease, also known as lubrication contamination, is a common problem encountered by manufacturers and their lube techs around the world. A study done by the National Research Council of Canada found that [...]

Avoid These Three Common Bearing Greasing Mistakes

Every plant is different. The machines inside them, the production processes they power, and the loads and conditions in which they operate. But one thing almost all share in common is bearings on rotating equipment. Bearings [...]

Six Signs your Bearing Lubrication Program is on Track

At SDT Ultrasound Solutions we are meticulous about bearing lubrication. We know one lubrication mistake can mean hours, even days of unplanned downtime… because we’ve seen it happen. Lubrication related failures are especially difficult to plan [...]


“We hear leaks, chasing them is useless” It has become almost common to say that leak detection on a compressed air system can pay off! Who hasn't seen those tags indicating the presence of a [...]

Stories from the Melt Shop

John Garrison, Level One Ultrasound Inspector Former Live Online Level One Student John Garrison Testimonial & Case Study As a mechanic in charge of a portion of the mill, safety and reliability are a [...]

Monitoring Ontario’s Wind Farms with Vigilant

Wind farmers power Ontario with clean, renewable energy and if they are forewarned of critical component failure, then they can expect many years of useful, trouble-free life from their assets. But wind turbines are complex assets [...]

Bearing Grease Management using Ultrasound

Inspection Technique Greasing of bearings using ultrasound, often described as best practice, helps us understand how much grease needs to be applied. Ultrasound is a good measure of friction - too little or too [...]

What led to this condition?

Everything is fine? That shouldn't make us invisible 18 pumps under the responsibility of a Condition Monitoring team, demonstrating an almost identical behavior, with identical symptoms… and surely calling for full attention. A user (meaning [...]

Precision Lubrication with LUBExpert

Implementation of an ultrasonic lubrication program in a paper mill to acoustically grease bearings right. The LUBExpert system has allowed the maintenance team to shift away from unreliable calendar-based lubrication to on-condition lubrication with instant feedback [...]

Time-Based greasing? Sure?

It makes sense to be reminded, from time to time, that calendar is not always the best decision-making tool. Actually, it rarely is. Because, if it was, you would have been dragged out of your 65th [...]

Energy saving 4.0

It has become almost common to say that leak detection on a compressed air system can mean big money! Who hasn't seen these tags indicating the presence of a leak in a system? And then? Well, [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #26

Haris: Hello Martin, how are you? Martin: Hi, bonjour, comment ça va? Haris: Come again? Martin: I thought we would have been inclusive for our friends. Haris: Well, I can be inclusive [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #25

Haris: Yes, celebrating wrong heroes is fantastic. But you know, it comes from life. Definitely. Because, have you ever heard about a very famous highly rewarded and paid doctor in a primary [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #24

Haris: Somebody will say we don't have a budget for a solution. Yeah, but you do have a budget for the problem's consequences. So, in this particular case, there is obviously a [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #23

Haris: Hello, Martin, how are you? Martin: Very good, thank you, and yourself? Haris: Excellent. Excellent, as usual. Martin: Good. Haris: So, we discussed a question in the last three episodes about [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #22

Martin: What can we do proactively to avoid the problem? That really comes back to what we said right at the beginning: Stop stressing your oil. Avoid the water, the heat, the air, [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #21

Martin: The next thing would be to probably try to understand, what the varnish actually is, and, therefore, how it leads to actual failure modes that it causes. So, in terms of [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #20

Martin: Bonjour monsieur Haris Haris: Bonjour, Bonjour. Ça va? Martin: Yeah, excellent, thank you. How are you? Haris: Excellent, very nice, very good! Martin: What are we talking about today? Haris: It [...]

Medieval Maintenance

Has the term “Medieval” ever been used to describe practices and procedures within your company’s maintenance department? Synonymous with antiquated tools and outdated techniques, medieval maintenance departments experience higher than average downtime, less asset availability, unmet [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #19

Haris: Hello Martin, glad to see you again, you know … this is our 13th coffee/ice cream session! Martin: Really?? That’s rather alarming! Cause if we understand root cause and health, and [...]

Experience feedback – Rotating machinery

Experience feedback on the implementation of an ultrasound-based preventive maintenance program. Today, we would like to share an experience feedback from a paper mill that has implemented a preventive maintenance program to monitor rotating machines using [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #18

Haris: Hello Martin, how are you? Martin: I am good, how are you? Haris: It’s ice cream and coffee, Monday again! Martin: You took the words right out of my mouth and [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #17

Martin: Good afternoon Haris, how’re you doing? Haris: Hello Martin, excellent! How are you? Martin: Fantastic! Had my meds earlier from the nurse so I am all good to go. Side effects [...]

Lubrication Over Coffee – Episode #16

Martin: Selam aleykum Haris Haris: Aleykoum Selam, how are you? Martin: Good, good! We were sitting on a wall, like in the old days and discussing the mystery of why Lubrication has [...]

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